
2nd Audit by SBA Research

Date: 09.12.2022
2nd Audit by SBA Research

In November/December 2022, we had our open source software Stereum audited by an independet external auditor for the second time.

End of November/Start of December 2022 we underwent a technical audit for Stereum 2.0.0. The version in focus was the pre 2.0.0 full release version called "2.0.0-rc.8". The test team performed an interview reviewing the security architecture as well as a white-box penetration test.

We could benefit significantly from the findings of SBA Research and finished work on fixing most of the detected issues in February 2023.

About SBA Research:

SBA Research is a research center for Information Security funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

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